Letting go with grace and dignity

Have you been dumped, or left so heartbroken that you hate the thought of love? And, do you feel like you don’t have the strength or the courage to let go even when the person makes you feel unworthy? Have you thought about “letting go and moving on”?

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Have you been dumped, or left so heartbroken that you hate the thought of love? And, do you feel like you don’t have the strength or the courage to let go even when the person makes you feel unworthy? Have you thought about "letting go and moving on”?

Anyone who makes you feel unworthy lowers your self esteem and or feels you don’t deserve them is surely not the one for you. One, you must realise that this person will never love you for who you are. This person will never make a commitment to you and if they do, it’s out of convenience.

So, why settle for low? Do you value yourself?  What are your principles of a relationship worth sticking to? Is it sex that makes you cling? How does he treat you in front of his friends?  If you settle for less you are basically telling them that it is okay for them to treat you badly. 

So, how is this done with grace and dignity? Take your feelings for him and throw them out the window; allow sanity and facts to take over. Don’t linger on the good old days. This just derails you from making the decision and prolongs your hurting period. Do not waste time focusing on your ex; the minute it’s over start focusing on the plan.  It is okay to mourn the close of the relationship but it is not okay to dwell there. 

Do not put your life on hold because of someone who does not think you are worthy. Face reality; are you in love or obsessed with your partner? 

If you are obsessed getting over it can be very difficult. Are you afraid of being alone? 

Getting into another relationship immediately after a break up is a recipe for disaster. Give yourself time to recollect your emotions and start afresh otherwise you will get into a rebound and start comparing your new partner to the old one. 

In the break teach your heart to trust again; how much do you trust yourself to have the stamina to deal with another person and the imperfections they come along with? There is need for closure before getting into a new relationship.