Keeping busy shouldn’t be that difficult

A group of hardworking Rwandans under the IDebate Rwanda organisation are organising debate trainings at Ishyo arts in conjunction with the Goethe Institut, Kacyiru. Instead of wondering what to do with your holiday, how about getting in touch to find out the programmes they have by contacting Jean Michel Habineza on Facebook or by phone at 0782791170. Alternatively you can just look for Idebate Rwanda on Facebook.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

A group of hardworking Rwandans under the IDebate Rwanda organisation are organising debate trainings at Ishyo arts in conjunction with the Goethe Institut, Kacyiru. Instead of wondering what to do with your holiday, how about getting in touch to find out the programmes they have by contacting Jean Michel Habineza on Facebook or by phone at 0782791170. Alternatively you can just look for Idebate Rwanda on Facebook. Apart from the debates, it could be wise to find out what other programmes are available at the Goethe Institut as well as at the French cultural centre in town. These centres are known to always have a busy schedule and you just never know how you may fit in. It could be a free seminar, a language course or even a dance class.And by the way you do not have to leave home in order to feel busy about whatever it is you will be doing. Even at home one can get busy. How about helping with house work occasionally? I used to know a parent who would send the maid on holiday once the children broke off from school. The argument here was that instead of the children sitting to watch TV all day, they were better off doing what the maid was being paid to do. This actually goes a long way in helping children to appreciate work and also to respect others who work. You do not even have to do the daily chores but you could do something that makes a clear difference at home such as removing cobwebs from the corners, cleaning windows or unblocking drainage. How about repairing the dog’s kennel or the cow’s pen? The fulfilment you get from accomplishing some of these tasks should count for more than.Another way to deal with the holiday boredom is to engage in sports. Go for swimming lessons if you are not good at swimming. Find out where you can play football, volleyball or basketball. More so, ask you parent or guardian to buy a board game that you can play at home with your siblings or even with your parents. It is important to account for your holiday as many teachers love to ask students to write about their experiences during the holiday. So as you enjoy, take note so that when the new term begins you probably have something interesting to share with other students.