Eastern Province genocide widows get exotic heifers

Genocide widows from Rwamagana and Kayonza districts in the Eastern Province have received 35 exotic heifers from the MSAAD project in Ireland.

Sunday, March 31, 2013
Some of the heifers, which will be distributed to genocide widows. The New Times / Peter Tumwebaze

Genocide widows from Rwamagana and Kayonza districts in the Eastern Province have received 35 exotic heifers from the MSAAD project in Ireland.Odette Kayirere, the Association Genocide Widows of Rwanda executive secretary, said the heifer would help the widows to improve their livelihood. "We are happy that our partners in Ireland have sent us this timely package. The cows will assist the widows to improve their standards of living and fight malnutrition among their families,” said Kayirere while receiving the heifers at the Kigali International Airport on Saturday. She warned the beneficiaries against selling the cows, noting that it had become a habit in some areas.Andrew Kagabo, the Girinka programme national co-ordinator, said the government and other stakeholders would continue to support low-income earners, such as the widows, through programmes like Girinka to lead better lives. "Our priority has always been to kick poverty out of Rwanda,” Kagabo said. He said the government was committed to fighting poverty among the population.Kayirere noted that economic empowerment, fair justice and self confidence remained a big challenge among widows and women in general and called for immediate attention from authorities. "It is good that government is taking these issues serious, however, a lot needs to be done, especially at the legislation level.”The Association of Genocide Widows of Rwanda, which was formed in 1995, has over 20,000 registered genocide widows and about 17,000 orphans countrywide. It has been working with Ireland’s MSAAD project since 2005. The Service Fund Charity of the UK and UN Women of New York, in the US are the other association partners.