Why dress indecently?

Dear Editor, I have always watched and remained speechless, but allow me express my concerns over women dress code through your paper.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Editor,

I have always watched and remained speechless, but allow me express my concerns over women dress code through your paper.

The culture of indecent dressing especially in the city Kigali has reached a level where I can no longer ignore. I suggest that the government should come up with stringent policies to check it.

My eyes have endured enough of this on streets, in concerts and at times in church! Women or young girls dress so indecently and you just keep wondering what could be the driving force for this code of dress.

By dressing this way women insult their own modesty. It is no wonder that violation against women continue to prevail despite the numerous campaign against it.

Efforts to prevent rape, defilement, and HIV spread will not be successful if provocative type of dressing reign in the name of modernity.

I plead with ‘some’ women not to degrade themselves in this way. Such tendencies have encouraged Western countries to turn Africa into dumping ground for decadent practices. Parents should bring up their children in an upright way.
