How to make a statement

In my attempt to pursue excellence in business over the years, I have come to discover that success requires uniqueness. It’s very rare that you can succeed by doing things like everyone else is doing them.

Saturday, March 30, 2013
Robert Bake Tumuhaise

In my attempt to pursue excellence in business over the years, I have come to discover that success requires uniqueness. It’s very rare that you can succeed by doing things like everyone else is doing them. Somehow, we have to be creative and innovative in our own way. There has to be something special that differentiates a successful person (or a person on his way to success) from the rest of the crowd.Think of anyone you consider very successful and you’ll find there’s something special about them that you admire so much. There is a unique aspect that makes a statement about that person. Something about them that writes an impression on the pages of your heart. Something that you can’t miss noticing the moment you encounter such a person even for the first time. Something that you would use to describe the person.Think of President Obama and you won’t miss his oratory skills and his enthusiasm. Talk of Nelson Mandela and his power of endurance and love for Africa will come to your mind. Mention Mother Theresa and see whether you can avoid noticing her compassion and humility. Talk of the fallen literary hero Chinua Achebe and his writing prowess will scream. If the name Steve Jobs is mentioned, possibly the word ‘Apple’ will instantly come in the minds of those who knew him.In every field, you can make a statement by choosing to be unique in some way. If you are a writer or a musician you can create your own style. If you are a businessman, you can create your own brand. People like us when we are unique; don’t fall prey to the game of "copy and paste”. Rushing to start a business just because your friends are doing it or choosing a course at the university just because it’s what your friends say is trendy won’t help you. Make a statement of your own. Create your own brand. You are you and so people want to see some special decisions you make as you.A few questions to ask yourself: Does the way I dress, speak or move make a statement? When I meet people for the first time, do they get a reason to remember me afterwards? What first impression do I give to whoever encounters me? When I’ve done a job for clients do they always come back for more of my services/products? Such questions will help you evaluate whether you’ve been making a good statement or not.I encourage you to make sure you are making only positive statements. Don’t be the one appearing in the news every week for scandals. Let people remember you for your creativity, smartness, punctuality, humour, hard work, etc. Don’t let people describe you as "the lazy one”, "the other man who is always late”, the woman who is ever shabby”, "the womaniser”, or "the other drunko”. This is the time to make a positive statement.Robert Bake Tumuhaise is the MD World of Inspiration & Founder of the Authors’ Forum in Uganda.