Signs that your relationship is heading nowhere

A sister to a very good friend came sobbing one time complaining about the man she met a few months ago. She insisted that the man loves her but he does not show it. I on the other hand told her that if a man loves you, there is no way he going to hide it from anyone let alone the person he is in love with. So there are two things here, it is either he is in love or he is not.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A sister to a very good friend came sobbing one time complaining about the man she met a few months ago. She insisted that the man loves her but he does not show it. I on the other hand told her that if a man loves you, there is no way he going to hide it from anyone let alone the person he is in love with. So there are two things here, it is either he is in love or he is not.

There are the tale tell signs that the person you are with is just wasting your time.Shy to be seen with youWhen a man is in love he wants to be seen with their partner all over the place.  If he is shy tobe seen with you, then you should keep your antennae up.Never callsIf he never calls you it means you are never in his mind. If a man cannot do small things like call you, don’t expect him to do bigger things. He will disappoint you through and through, so you better read the signs early and take a duck.He never commits to anythingA man who is not serious with a relationship will start hinting early that he is a relationship freak, but you are the only one who has warmed his heart. Just know that when your time is up he will move on and drop you like a hot potato.No proper introductionsWhen you are always introduced as a friend and nothing more, you have cause to worry. A man who loves you will always brag and show you around.You don’t know his friends or familyIn a serious relationship the man is keen to introduce you to his close friends and family. This is a way of marking his territory just in case anybody is thinking otherwise. If you date for long without being introduced to a single friend or family- be worried.Marriage is a tabooIf he is not serious with you he will put off any word about marriage. He sends all the negative vibes about getting married, but believe you me, someday you will find married but that person will not be you. You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy.  Define yourself and what your goals are in life and achieve your dreams. If you were meant to experience love and get married then it will come. When things are not right in a relationship don’t force them, it simply means it is not your time. Be patient and your prince charming will find you. Good things come to those who wait.