HOWTHEYWORK:Facebook’s plan B: new ads in News Feed

Facebook has announced that advertisers would be able to pitch members directly from the News Feed with less holistic messages that direct people outside of the social network’s walled garden.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Facebook has announced that advertisers would be able to pitch members directly from the News Feed with less holistic messages that direct people outside of the social network’s walled garden.The launch, which Facebook is calling a "small alpha test,” brings Facebook Exchange-targeted (FBX) ads, which are special ad units served to members based on their online browsing behavior, to the desktop version of News Feed for the first time."We wanted to give advertisers and agencies the opportunity to deliver highly relevant ads in News Feed, the most engaging place on the Web,” the company wrote in a blog post. "We also believe that ads delivered through FBX will create more relevant ads for people.”The addition of the ad unit will not change the total number of ads people see in their News Feeds, the company said.