Study Rwanda Programme will inspire business students from India

Editor,I read with keen interest your article titled “ US - based business students look to EAC for inspiration in yesterday’s edition of The New Times.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Editor,I read with keen interest your article titled " US - based business students look to EAC for inspiration in yesterday’s edition of The New Times.Please allow me to share with your esteemed readers that as part of India Week 2013, which will take place in Kigali from 24 to 30 May, 2013, there is a very interesting  ‘‘Study Rwanda Programme’’  where Indian-based business students will visit this beautiful country and see for themselves the total transformation following the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.It is a fact that even today, when I talk to people here in India about the country, some get alarmed and refer to the movie "Hotel Rwanda .’’ Then one has to explain that what they saw did happen, but wayback in 1994, yet the country is now one of the most peaceful and safest places to visit.With the support of all concerned agencies in Rwanda and the many Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India, supporting this initiative, it is my firm belief that we shall be able to effectively portray to all delegates, the new Rwanda as a "beacon of stability ".This was rightly remarked by Eric Omwenga, one of the business students from the Stanford Graduate School of Business in the USA.Clarence Fernandes