Kagame says double digit annual growth possible

President Paul Kagame has called on public officials to perfect the art of coordination and communication among themselves as the country embarks on the implementation of a major five-year development agenda.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

President Paul Kagame has called on public officials to perfect the art of coordination and communication among themselves as the country embarks on the implementation of a major five-year development agenda.

Kagame observed that Rwanda’s average eight per cent growth rate over the past few years, despite aid cuts last year, reflected its potential to deliver double digit annual growth rate.

The President was today addressing about 300 national and local leaders at the opening of the 10th National Leadership Retreat at Gabiro School of Infantry in Gatsibo District, Eastern Province.

He warned that without coordination among government agencies and other actors, the country would not achieve the targeted 11.5 per cent annual growth rate as envisaged under the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) II.

"Without working together, we will not achieve our full potential and will not reach the targets we have set for ourselves. If you don't let your strengths complement each other, we will only achieve a small percentage of our goals,” he said.

"We must improve on working together...no one can achieve results without working as part of a team.”

More details later...