Three absolute worst foods that may damage gut and immune system

There are many foods that can do serious damage to your gut and immune system, all while destroying your overall health and dramatically slowing your fat loss to boot.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

There are many foods that can do serious damage to your gut and immune system, all while destroying your overall health and dramatically slowing your fat loss to boot.Here are three of the absolute worst;SugarWe all know sugar is bad news for fat loss and insulin levels; in fact, excessive sugar intake can and often will result in insulin resistance and Type II laughing matter there. But what most people don’t realize is that sugar acts as a fertilizer for the "bad”, health-destroying bacteria in your gut.Yes, that’s right...every time you eat sugar (added by the truckload into snacks, cereals, desserts, juice, sodas, teas, and a host of other food and beverage items), the infectious, bacteria in your gut feed on it, multiply, and spread further throughout your intestinal walls, wreaking havoc on your entire body, and your health.Processed, packaged foodsThis includes anything that comes in a bag or a box. Processed, packaged foods that come in a bag or a box, with a laundry list of ingredients, contain many bad-bacteria promoting chemicals and food additives that destroy your gut and create a toxic environment in your belly that can quickly spread throughout your entire body.Instead, strive to eat whole, natural foods--without all the additives--and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier bacterial balance in your belly.Yogurt"Huh? I thought yogurt was a great source of healthy bacteria?!” Well, while that can be true, most of the time it’s not because the vast majority of yogurts are either full of sugar or artificial sweeteners that feed the bad bacteria and kill the good bacteria in your gut. Yogurt is a great choice; just make sure there are no added sweeteners -- be it sugar. These sweeteners will cancel out any and ALL positive effects of yogurt by wreaking more havoc on your gut bacteria before the «good stuff» in yogurt even has a chance to go to work.