When men speak in proverbs

You know you need to start raising your guard when a man says ‘she is just a good friend’. Everyone has the right to have friends of whatever gender but it is not okay when your better half seems to have a particular girlfriend that he hangs with very often.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You know you need to start raising your guard when a man says ‘she is just a good friend’. Everyone has the right to have friends of whatever gender but it is not okay when your better half seems to have a particular girlfriend that he hangs with very often. Whenever his phone rings it’s always her, when he is down she is there to comfort him…till you realise this is not just friendship but a suspicious attraction. The guy may be innocent. However, if you see him getting a little too friendly and you confront him about it and he goes like "you’re acting crazy” and insists she is just a friend, he may be telling the truth. But he could also be flirting with the girl so beware.When a guy says that he just wants you to be happy when you are caught up in a fight, chances are he’s actually not entirely sure what you are fighting about. This is a clever way of getting you to calm down. Most men have fewer words and in that regard, they are better at engaging in a cold war than words. For a wise woman this is when you need to learn what your man’s effective communication style is."I am tired” or "I am busy” should be a wake up call. If your guy whips out this line after you’ve just called to fix yourself in his schedule, chances are that he is saying "I need some space” - you are suffocating him. The wise choice is to stay away - not with arrogance but with grace - like you can have fun without him. You are not desperate neither does your world revolve around him. Emotional maturity!When he talks in an awkward tone, what he really means is "stop it woman”. At this point, he is irritated and may choose to be violent or go on a speech strike. This is the wrong time to try and have intellectual talks. Be quiet and communicate respect and submission non-verbally. This helps in soothing his ego and lowering anger levels back to normal.Physical appearance is vital, so when your guy asks if you really want to dress a certain way, he’s not saying you’re too fat. He may be discouraging you because he does not like it… or he’s incredibly jealous that you will get too much attention from other men! That is all.