Excellence is not a skill,it’s a habit

You could be the cause of your own letdown without actually knowing it. Attitude sometimes takes charge of our lives and however much we try; things just don’t work out the way we want them to. We then end up thinking we are naturally meant to be failures but with the points I have shared below, you can release yourself from the bondage of self-proclaimed failure.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Patrick Buchana

You could be the cause of your own letdown without actually knowing it. Attitude sometimes takes charge of our lives and however much we try; things just don’t work out the way we want them to. We then end up thinking we are naturally meant to be failures but with the points I have shared below, you can release yourself from the bondage of self-proclaimed failure. Cultivate a "can do” approach Others have done it, why can’t you? It’s not that everyone who outclasses in class is bright or supernatural, it’s just that they believe they can do it and indeed they do. Don’t pull yourself down: focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t. Watch what you say to your self The words one says to oneself are often the words that drive their lives. Call yourself a dummy and you will become one. Every time you think of doing something exceptional, the negative words keep ringing in your mind and your morale just drops back to the dummy level. Learn not to say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. Use positive language: praise and show appreciation of others.Let tomorrow take care of its self Many things do happen in our lives that cause us to worry and lose sight of what is important. Always remember that 80 per cent of the things that we worry about never happen. Worry is about the future, not the present. When a problem arrives we learn to cope with it.Count your blessings You will get to learn that you are actually a very fortunate guy and it will build encouragement and motivation in you. Each day write down at least three things to be grateful for. People who have done this have found an increase in happiness. Remember what you like about yourself. Looking at the glass as half empty rather than half full can make you focus on trivial problems. Every cloud has a silver lining In high school, I remember failing many papers during my first term in A-level. I got a pass seven in Physics. Of course I really felt bad about it but one thing I noticed is that successful men are not the ones who are always stable on the ground but the ones who fall and pick themselves up.  I didn’t let my past results get to me but focused on the future results. By the time I finished my A level I had gotten used to scoring nothing less than a distinction in Physics.