It is time for East Africans to take matters in their own hands

Dear editor, I completely agree with what the East African community leaders said about the infrastructure in these countries.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dear editor,

I completely agree with what the East African community leaders said about the infrastructure in these countries.

The fastest way this region is going to develop is through developing the infrastructure especially the roads and railway.

Roads have been the major form of transportation in East Africa.

Road transportation is what farmers use to transfer their goods from the production point to where they are sold.

If bad roads are not repaired, a lot of problems will come out. These range from road accidents, losses as a result of delays in delivery and general damage of goods.

Time is up for East Africa to rely on the help of foreigners. This is because the roads that these people have been building actually do not last to serve their purpose.

I believe that this is the right time for East Africa to take matters in their own hands to repair and fix their own infrastructure instead of waiting for foreign aid.

Besides, the cost of foreign aid always comes at a dear price for our countries. You know the strings attached to the donations.
