MARRIAGE IS THE most controversial institution man has ever been forced to entertain. I say forced because that is the most apt word you can ever use for what became of man since God allegedly compelled Adam to marry Eve.
MARRIAGE IS THE most controversial institution man has ever been forced to entertain. I say forced because that is the most apt word you can ever use for what became of man since God allegedly compelled Adam to marry Eve.Since then, we have seen the world revolve around the wishes of man. Even a Bosco Ntaganda today can no longer walk into American embassy for sanctuary without first asking his wife for permission. And once there, everyone wants to be part of it. So the ICC chaps will come and ask to feast.Last week, I mentioned here that I did not believe in the sanctity, institution or even marriage in its entity. I mean, the modern pomp that is introduction followed by marriage. My argument remains that marriage is an agreement between two parties and anything or person that comes in is wholly unnecessary.Well, some people did not take it lightly. They have challenged me on many issues relating to marriage. My friend, Peter, was all over my Facebook IMS. He challenged me on the dogma and biblical issues on marriage and wondered what parent would want their daughter to marry or cohabit eternally with a man who does not want the function itself.It all rolled down to one thing: Which one is better; having consent with your woman or going to seek consent from the church?Of course, one cannot deny that every woman values the wedding as the most important day of their life. It is the day for a show-off, to tell the world that, they, too, can afford a wedding, can be loved, can be taken…However, while initially chiding me, Peter found himself in my lair when he said: "I want to understand why we take marriage ring so important, why do we fool ourselves that after saying "I do” I can’t undo it?Well, when we begin to take the ceremony as more important that the harmony, than the purpose for living together as one, then we are living a life of illusion. It amounts to painting huge mirage in our lives, so that we trudge the one step after another in life but with every step we make, the shiny stuff in the middle of the road (the mirage we have created) recedes further.During the days I read the Bible, I don’t remember finding scriptures serenading the modern marriage decorated with partying. Jesus himself did not indulge in it, unless the Church hid the truth from us—which I highly hold for.Love is between two people, so is marriage. And partying in the name of wedding should be left for those who can afford it. If you can’t, just settle down with your wife. I tell you, you will have a child, just as well as the other partners who took to the third-party to tell them, "Now you can kiss” (read make love).Today, chances are that the woman you marry who does not care about the fancy wedding is not going to bother you about her hair, manicure, shopping, weekends out with the girls or even questioning whether you think Ntaganda is guiltier than Adolf Hitler. The wedding bug is in the mind, it is borne of pride and the desire to tame illusionary prejudice from society. Beat Pride and Prejudice and you are good and dusted.Disclaimer: Dedicated to the broke men of the world. Let’s kill Jesus this Friday and have something worth living for.