The big time gold-digger

Government-SPONSORED students receive a monthly allowance and once rumours spread that guys were about to get their money, I felt I just had to get a share. But with my stingy friends, getting it just like that was going to be tough.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Government-SPONSORED students receive a monthly allowance and once rumours spread that guys were about to get their money, I felt I just had to get a share. But with my stingy friends, getting it just like that was going to be tough. I thought hard and finally found a good reason. I started telling people that my birthday was near and I planned with some friend to ask for contributions for a small party. Okay, I’ve never seen such misers because they were only contributing Rwf 100 and Rwf 200. This wasn’t going to work - others gave nothing! Then there is this other guy who nailed it. He brought a note from his doctor saying he was sick and couldn’t afford to contribute anything to my party. How on earth are the two related? You know when you want to dodge class and all you have to do is bring a note? Well, this guy thought it works all the time. My friend only managed to collect Rwf 800 after a week! I figured another lie would work. He started talking about a huge party with alcohol and many girls. They slowly started releasing money - even the guy with the doctor’s note gave us Rwf 2000. Everyone knows KIST girls; all they ever do is have night prep, go to bed and sleep like they are in boarding school. How on earth did these guys expect them to be at this party? D Day finally came and the amount of money was still pathetic yet all these guys could talk about was how the party was going to have a lot of alcohol and girls. Were they nuts? Anyways, this cousin of mine who has a sixth sense in sniffing out parties got to know about the party. She came around and asked, "But you, isn’t your birthday in September? I remember us always celebrating it then.” At this point everyone was already disappointed with all the soda around instead of beer. Worse even was the fact that there were only two girls yet we had promised about 100. I watched them curse. I’m still paying debts to this day.