Why housemaids rock and house wives suck

Many men have been accused of sleeping or at least flirting with their house maids. Many hearts and homes have been broken due to these rivals. Well, although I don’t support men who break their vows, I sometimes understand what drives them to this.

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Martin Bishopu2019s Black Diary

Many men have been accused of sleeping or at least flirting with their house maids. Many hearts and homes have been broken due to these rivals. Well, although I don’t support men who break their vows, I sometimes understand what drives them to this. Sometimes these ladies are everything wives are not. Picture these two females and tell me who deserves to be crowned ‘Miss’. A husband comes home from work early and lounges in the compound enjoying the evening breeze. His wife returns from work walking in italics due to six inch stilettos, handbag in one hand and a cell phone glued to her left ear. She staggers then gains her balance as she bends to give him a peck on the check and whispers ‘hi’ so as not to confuse the person on the phone. The smell from the spray she uses to keep her synthetic hair in check makes you want to gag. You rub your cheek where her seemingly bleeding lips have left tones of lipstick.Her eye brows are replaced by eye liner, her eye lids are painted green, and her once beautiful finger nails are now suffocated under the glue that is holding the artificial nails. She goes to the sitting room looking for the remote control to watch her favourite soap. Her tight blouse threatens to burst due to the wonder bra that is designed to make her breasts bigger and the skin tight pants hide the padded panties designed to enhance her butt and hips.As the husband sits wondering if he didn’t make a mistake, his sad filled eyes catch a glimpse of a natural African lady walking towards him carrying a tray with a flask of spiced tea and a piece of banana cake that she baked herself. With the caution of a surgeon and a genuine smile, she lays down the tray exposing her well kept fingernails. Her hair is natural; her skin is radiant as it’s not subjected to the daily application of skin creams and lotions but merely Vaseline.After shyly asking if her boss doesn’t need anything else, she turns to leave and her boss watches Adam’s daughter walk away shaking her African behind. Her full figure which knows no gym is visible to him. She walks comfortably in her sandals and doesn’t need padded panties as she is well endowed. Her every curve is where it’s supposed to be. She is not dieting to keep in shape like her half starved mistress. She feeds and sleeps well and doesn’t have any stress. Here, most warm blooded adult male human beings are likely to take a deep breath and sigh…