The New Times

No one has exclusive rights over you That person you care about with an exclusive passion is human and so mood swings are inevitable. One morning the relationship could come to a screeching end.

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Ivan Ngoboka

No one has exclusive rights over you

That person you care about with an exclusive passion is human and so mood swings are inevitable. One morning the relationship could come to a screeching end.So what does a poor sister or brother do? Should they hit the gallows, tie a noose around their neck and hang? Or apply for brain conditioning so as to forever erase and forget anything bordering dating and relationships?That’s the price we pay for giving ourselves wholly to fellow human souls, whose weaknesses equal or are even worse off than ours.  Don’t despair though; there is one dependable cure for this – alertness - always have a backup plan so that when you get dumped there is someone else to receive you with open arms.  And to achieve this, it takes creating an extensive network of partners and employing a clever mind to keep each one of them a secret so you can enjoy all their "services” without deprivation or fear of getting caught. Away from that, one of the reasons of our existence is to explore life, trying out everything we can. By the time we leave this world there is a relative level of experience and satisfaction gathered at least. Zeroing down to relationships, there are countless members of the opposite sex who appear too "endowed” to miss out on. It gets to that point of leaving us swearing about "meeting them all before we die”. But how does one get to experience this when they are forever tied to a relationship with a boring and bothersome scoundrel?In these tough economic times, having a "backup plan” may save one from the gold digger type of girlfriend, especially if the other alternative is a bit more considerate in their financial demands.    In conclusion, it’s important to understand that each of us is an autonomous individual with the freedom to do whatever we want with our lives, so we shouldn’t let certain people ‘own’ us as if we are items.Kick away fears of being accused of infidelity. After all, we all get a little naughty sometimes. I believe this is the truest description of a REAL man or woman.