Dating: Should we put all our eggs in one basket?

 I am a one woman man One of the most important things in a fresh relationship is getting to know each other.The details about each other pretty much determine if the liaison is for the long haul or not. So, how is this going to happen if you can’t stick to one partner or take time to study them?

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Patrick Buchana

 I am a one woman man

One of the most important things in a fresh relationship is getting to know each other.The details about each other pretty much determine if the liaison is for the long haul or not. So, how is this going to happen if you can’t stick to one partner or take time to study them?Committing to your partner is not doing something right only once but doing something right over and over again. It shouldn’t matter if you just started dating or you’ve been together for six years. Some people cheat because they are not sure if the person they are with is the ONE. But not being sure of a person should never be an excuse. Why not wait and get the one you are sure of instead of casting your net and catching frogs and snakes? I’m not going to talk about how evil it is to cheat on your partner because this is something we should all know. Having multiple partners is like being a prisoner; every now and then you have to keep deleting text messages, when your phone rings and you are with your partner, your heart beats at the speed Usain Bolt runs and all you do is pray that it’s someone from work and not a ‘side dish’. According to me, sex is intimate and full of love; I don’t think I can have this pleasure with an undecided mind. It’s simply not possible and if you can’t stick to one person, then the consequences of those actions will most certainly be deadly - I’m not going to go into details of AIDS because that is just plain common sense. They say a thief has forty days and you never know when it’s the 39th day. It would be a shame to lose someone special because you can’t make up your mind!  Relationships fail, I know that, but some people transfer their past relationship problems to their new relationships. For example, I know chaps who choose to cheat on their current girlfriends because an ex cheated on them! That is so childish. Life is hard, but it is those hard times that show us just how strong we are. Give a relationship a chance. Having options only creates more room for failure.