6tips for keeping your house clean

Shine your sink Every night take five minutes to clean your kitchen completely. Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, clean off the counters, and scrub and dry your sink until it’s shiny.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shine your sinkEvery night take five minutes to clean your kitchen completely. Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, clean off the counters, and scrub and dry your sink until it’s shiny.Wash one load of laundry dailyInstead of waiting until the weekend to wash several loads of laundry, get in the habit of washing one load every day. As soon as you wake up, wash a load then before you leave for the day, put them out to dry. When you get home, fold and put away the clothes.Create a command centerA command center is an area in your home that can be used as a catch all for items that need to be processed (i.e. bills that need to be paid etc). It’s also a place that can house items that need to be picked up quickly as you walk out the door like keys, bags, and phones.Throw away trashThrowing away your trash seems so simple right? But how many times have you (or someone in your family) taken something out of a package and put the package on the counter beside you? Instead of waiting until later, just take a few extra seconds and immediately throw away trash in the trashcan.Straighten up every nightWaking up to a clean home can make the start of your day more pleasing and productive. Take a few minutes each night to pick up around the house. It doesn’t have to be spotless, but straightening up nightly helps to keep the mess from becoming overwhelming.Use a junk drawerYes, a junk drawer is a must for a clean home. In some cases, a cabinet or closet may be more reasonable! Having a place to store random items that don’t have a home can be so freeing. themommyhood.com