Pay back cruelty with class

Dear Its a Guy Thing, This has been a horrible month! Well it could be worse but my boyfriend, I mean ex-boyfriend, broke up with me over a text message!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dear Its a Guy Thing,This has been a horrible month! Well it could be worse but my boyfriend, I mean ex-boyfriend, broke up with me over a text message! He simply wrote, "we are not working out so lets end this” and I was shocked so I simply replied "ok”. This after a blissful 10 months! We have lots of friends in common, how should I treat him in public? Should I ignore him or be the bigger person and treat him normally?

Doreen-----------------------------------------------Dear Doreen,I want to apologise on behalf of all real men out there. What your bogus ex-boyfriend did wasn’t only cowardly but crass as well. Who in their right mind breaks up over a text message? That is immature and shameful. Honestly, I’m happy that you didn’t have to waste even more time with that poor excuse for a man. Sadly, instead of letting the bad memories fade, you have to face him on almost a weekly basis. I can understand the temptation to treat him as coldly as he treated you. But I believe that that will lower you to his level. Treat him with class. Show him (and your mutual friends, who probably know what he did) that you aren’t as mean spirited as he is. Be the better person.

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