‘I love you’ is not for wimps!

I don’t believe in love at first sight – hell, I don’t believe in love at three sights! You can’t love someone just by looking at them. And I don’t care how many times Sleepless in Seattle tries to convince me that it is possible!  Love is great… but one thing I know for sure is that the phrase ‘I love you’ isn’t an expression for the cowardly!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I don’t believe in love at first sight – hell, I don’t believe in love at three sights! You can’t love someone just by looking at them. And I don’t care how many times Sleepless in Seattle tries to convince me that it is possible!  Love is great… but one thing I know for sure is that the phrase ‘I love you’ isn’t an expression for the cowardly!It takes a strong person to say those words. I salute anyone who just throws them around carelessly – you can’t get braver than that! I cannot say that I understand why they do so but I guess they have their reasons. After all, some folks will say just about anything to get what they want. For example, if a girl holds onto the lid of her cookie jar with strength that can only match Samson’s and the only thing stopping a brother from sampling the cookie is those three magic words, by God he will sing them out loud and just to convince her a little more, scribble them on some huge @*&# billboard!I was watching one of my favourite series over the weekend, Single Ladies, and I nearly died of laughter when a guy, for the first time since they started dating, told his girlfriend that he loved her and all she said was an awkward ‘thank you’. The extent of the damage this can have on a man’s ego might need intensive care. Personally, if I put myself out there and a man shattered my confidence with some silly ‘thank you’, there’s a chance I would crawl into a sewer and take up permanent residence there. When you’re falling in love, it’s hard to hold yourself back. If you’re smitten, chances are, you’d be really enthusiastic about saying ‘I love you’ and taking the next step but there is a time for everything, and you must be sure about the way you feel before you say words you will never take back.If you want the experience to seem like a fairytale romance, take your time, read the signs, keep an eye on the budding relationship and then take the plunge.