Life lessons to learn from school

ALBERT EINSTEIN, one of the greatest scientists ever lived said, “Education is what remains in your head after school.” School and universities are not examination centers that you just go to pass exams and leave, they are education institutions and from the definition of education, passing exams is just one part of the package.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

ALBERT EINSTEIN, one of the greatest scientists ever lived said, "Education is what remains in your head after school.” School and universities are not examination centers that you just go to pass exams and leave, they are education institutions and from the definition of education, passing exams is just one part of the package. Many times schools usually don’t get this right, and end up releasing academic robots instead of an all-round student. In a competitive world like this, grades are just the other necessity after one has been given a job but in the real sense, jobs today need someone that is vibrant and can express themselves well and take charge of things. After reading this, don’t just leave school as a secondary school or university graduate but as a professional ready to battle in the tough job market. ResponsibilityAfter school, no one is there to punish you when you don’t do your work on time, you will be rendered incompetent. Hence these habits must be inbuilt when you are still in school, you should be able to keep a calendar and assignment list so you know what is due when and plan your schedule accordingly.  This is important because in this world you must work with little supervision but your manager will expect you to do what is required or will find someone else to do it.

This also comes back to finance management, at the start of my boarding school life, I used up all my money in just two weeks yet the school term had 14 weeks and by senior six I would save and eat only when it’s necessary, these lessons live with me to this day.  AccountabilityAt school you learn to abide by rules that are established to maintain a positive orderly atmosphere, but one thing to keep in mind is, unlike in school where you account to teachers for your wrong doing, after school it’s much more serious and this time it’s the law enforcing agencies like the police. If you do not abide by the rules you learn that there are consequences for disobedience. FriendshipThere is a saying that goes, "Tell me your friends and I will tell you who you are.” Every one of us gets to meet a bad friend once in a while, and it is not a crime. It is actually healthy because for someone wise, it teaches them a lesson.

But if you can’t distinguish between bad and good company by the time you leave school, then there is a lot of catching up and trouble to fall in with the authority and as I said above, it’s no longer teachers but the police. Make sure your strongest friendships are with those who help you do right, not people who would lead you into bad behaviors.UniquenessIn school you ought to become fully aware that you are just one of many children in many schools across the globe. However, you realise that although you share many interests and dressing styles with others, you are unique in the world. You need to be proud of your uniqueness and do not worry if you do not seem to fit in with others, there are people that you will feel comfortable with and they will love you the way you are. Do not change to please others because you will not be happy with the mask and will eventually tire of not expressing yourself. Be happy with who you are and defend it if you must. ChristianityI remember back in high school and also at university, a week would not go by before you hear an argument on religion, each if the people support their religion to the death. School teaches you to stand for your faith when it is challenged and to share your faith with those who need it.

Many school kids were not raised with any religious connection and you can provide the light to guide them to Him. You are able to shine as a good example in your words and actions. You have opportunities share what you truly believe in.