Wetlands are not a habitat for people

Dear editor, I would like to address the problem of people in wetlands. Wetlands are reserved for the habitation of creatures that can only survive in such settings.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to address the problem of people in wetlands. Wetlands are reserved for the habitation of creatures that can only survive in such settings.

When people occupy these wetlands the wildlife will be forced to relocate and this poses danger to their survival. Besides the grounds in wetlands, are not strong enough to hold a large human population due to the high water levels.

The rapidly increasing populations in urban Rwanda are posing a threat to wetlands as the case is with Nyandungu in Ubwiza village. The people’s refusal to relocate also leaves them in the midst of numerous environmental hazards.

Wetlands are breeding places for mosquitoes which means that malaria will not leave. In case of any heavy rains, houses in these places are likely to collapse.

I call upon the responsible authorities in charge of the environment and human affairs to handle the problem accordingly.

Wetlands need to be protected and at the same time people living in these areas need to be aware of the danger they pose to both themselves and the wetlands.  
