Banning plastic bags a worthy move

Editor,    No doubt, it was a good move to ban plastic bags in Rwanda. In South Africa, we jokingly refer to plastic bags as the national flower. You will find them littering the fields, fluttering on barbed wire fences and also clogging up our drainage system.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Editor,    No doubt, it was a good move to ban plastic bags in Rwanda. In South Africa, we jokingly refer to plastic bags as the national flower. You will find them littering the fields, fluttering on barbed wire fences and also clogging up our drainage system.Kishore Doodnath, Johannesburg, South Africa*****************************Just shocked that this is the reality in a country that was one of the first to ban plastic bags. Kudos to the writer of the article. Hoping that immediate action is taken as widely as it was to rid the environment of plastic bags.Andre R, CanadaReactions to Alline Akintore’s commentary, "Fate of all these plastic bottles” (The New Times, March 19).