Bank of Kigali sheds Rwf1

Bralirwa and Bank of Kigali share price have dropped, causing the Rwanda Stock Exchange Share Index (RSI) to go down 1.52 points yesterday compared to last Friday to close at 212.24.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bralirwa and Bank of Kigali share price have dropped, causing the Rwanda Stock Exchange Share Index (RSI) to go down 1.52 points yesterday compared to last Friday to close at 212.24. The total turnover for the day was over Rwf9.5m from 300 Bank of Kigali and 11,900 Bralirwa shares traded in 10 deals compared to last Friday’s trading session, which recorded a total turnover of Rwf10.8m from 29,400 Bank of Kigali shares and 6,300 Bralirwa shares traded in seven deals.Bralirwa shares traded at between Rwf795 and Rwf796, but closed at Rwf795. This was a decline of Rwf1 compared to last Friday’s closing price. The Bank of Kigali counter traded between Rwf185 and Rwf195 and closed at Rwf195, translating into a decline of Rwf5 compared to the last Friday’s closing price. Kenya Commercial Bank shares last transacted at Rwf160, while Nation Media Group shares last transacted at Rwf 1,200.At the end of formal trading hours, there were outstanding offers of 729,300 Bank of Kigali shares at between Rwf195 and 200, but bids. On Bralirwa counter, there were outstanding offers of 42,600 shares at between Rwf795 and Rwf800 and no outstanding bids.