Your letters Plan power outages

Lately, there have been power blackouts in some parts of the country, prompting clients to accuse the Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority of loadshedding them without warning. Hereunder are a few reactions from readers:

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lately, there have been power blackouts in some parts of the country, prompting clients to accuse the Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority of loadshedding them without warning. Hereunder are a few reactions from readers:

Dear Editor,POWER OUTAGE should be well planed, equitable (for all parts of the city) and the clients should be informed in advance so that they plan accordingly. But it is unacceptable to recklessly cut power for 10 to 20 times per day for shorter periods of 10 minutes to one hour, as it is in Kimironko! This is not tolerable! It is not good for the EWSA grid, as well for the client’s domestic appliances such as fridge, TV sets, PCs. Who will pay for the damaged caused to appliances? There is no information on the work programme of EWSA on how and when they are planning to resolve the problem. Just the words "we are working on it” are not sufficient. The public has the right to know what is really happening and when the situation will be stabilised. Send back the journalist to the EWSA DG or technical director for detailed information on their work plan and inform your readers on it!

Sobatura, Kimironko---------------------------------------------------------------Dear Editor,IT COST me about Rwf32,000 to replace and fix my DStv LNB. Maybe, if EWSA would have to pay all of these loses…Let EWSA be organised and find a better solution. We are tired.Geoly, Kigali------------------------------------------------------

Dear Editor,No. It is not for Rwandans to understand that the country doesn’t have enough power. They don’t know how much power the country needs . . . It is up to EWSA to inform them accordingly, and if there has to be any rationing, those concerned should be informed in advance. This business of saying "we are working on it” can’t work anymore. Working on it until when?Gatenga, Shumbusho