Lies we all tell our parents

EVERYONE LIES to their parents. There is NO single person out there who has not done it. Unless you were not born of parents that is. We all have days when we sugar coat things just to avoid a messy situation.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

EVERYONE LIES to their parents. There is NO single person out there who has not done it. Unless you were not born of parents that is. We all have days when we sugar coat things just to avoid a messy situation.Mom: "How was the exam?”You: "It was good.” (Then you walk out from there before further questioning begins).No matter how easy or difficult the exam is, the only possible answer to that question is "good”.Even though you know a bad result could jeopardize your career and this very exam looks like one of those, it was "good”.When a girl falls pregnant while still under parents’ custody, she knows that no parent will want to take any of that. She knows that her mum, who has been warning her about the same for several years now, will want to eat her alive. So when, after some time, the bulge inevitably begins to show, the girl will want to asses if her mum has taken notice of it. She will tell her mum how she seems to be accumulating weight in her mid regions, and will duly blame it on the cholesterol in the cooking oil, or on chocolate. Another scenario; It is the last day of your exams, you come home and tell mom "I’m going out with the guys, we are going to this new Chinese place for dinner”. Mom: "Don’t drink.” You: "Yes mom, I won’t, and you know that. Anyway the Chinese place doesn’t even serve alcohol” It is highly likely that the Chinese restaurant doesn’t exist in the first place. That was just your smart way of telling your mum you would be out with bad company, drinking and misbehaving, but you were mindful enough not to alarm her.Or you call home after a long night out and say "I’m not coming home, we are staying over at Steven’s house. I’m tired and just can’t make it home.” Of course, the reason for that phone call was that you were too drunk to even remember where you live. "We had an extra lecture at college so did not come home on time”. When people tell their parents this, it is most likely they were seated somewhere on a street bench heckling women, or idling away on social media. Or smoking cigarettes and drinking beer at a seedy roadside bar.This one is not very common but it is my personal favorite. When people flunk their exam at university or college, how do they muster the courage to break this tough news back at home? Say, this guy has flunked his Engineering exam and is set for a dead year. So what? There is no need to worry and panic. Remain firm and unfazed. Just call home and say, "Mom, Dad, Mechanical Engineering is now a 5 year program. They changed it this year”. Everyone will be happy happy.