The little things that matter in a relationship

REMEMBERING to always do small things when in a relationship is what counts the most. In most cases, people try to look for big things in life, when in actual sense small things are what give us the satisfaction that we need.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

REMEMBERING to always do small things when in a relationship is what counts the most. In most cases, people try to look for big things in life, when in actual sense small things are what give us the satisfaction that we need. When you are with her/himHold hands: Holding hands might seem such a silly thing to do, but it means a lot especially to women. This is a sign that you are proud of your partner, and everybody should know that. This is a turn-on for most people.Pay a compliment: It is not just women who need to be complemented. Men, too, need this. Telling your wife/husband that you love her/his new dress/suit goes a long way to make one feel loved. Also show appreciation of their beauty or whatever it is that you like about them.Say something original: Tell her/him something good from your heart. Do not use clichés from Romeo and Juliet; we are tired of those words. Some new and original words sound sexier.Be old fashioned: Even with women emancipation, we still love it when your man opens the car door for you. Wrapping your hands around your partner when it is cold shows how much you care. Learn to do something for each other: If you know that your man loves good food, why not surprise him one day with that special dish. Same goes with men; if your wife loves shoes, surprise her a good bag one day. Love is two-way traffic. Involve each other in your activities: Never surprise your spouse or partner about a sudden rendezvous. This will make them feel unimportant. Make sure to inform them about your day-to-day activities as a matter of courtesy.Take a vacation: Plan a vacation for just the two of you. Take advantage of the time and bond. Learn a few things about your partner that you dint know. These tips will help you in the long run.When you live away from each otherWhen in a relationship, it should never be out-of-sight-out-of mind. Do a few things to make your partner know that you still care.Send a gift to the office: Just imagine receiving a surprise flower bouquet from your loved one in the office (when they live away from home). You will be the talk of the office the entire week if not for months. This leaves someone with a lot of satisfaction, a feel of being loved and thought of.Make a surprise weekend visit: Remaining spontaneous is key in keeping things going strong for a couple. Just imagine while you are thinking of how far your spouse is; only for you to leave office and find them at home waiting for you. It is always a pleasant surprise.