The Poets’ Corner:Why Must We Cry

Why must everything that lives,or is loved, die? Why must we feel the pain of utter despair,and cry?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Why must everything that lives,or is loved, die?

Why must we feel the pain of utter despair,and cry?

Hopelessness and emptiness to follow thereafter.Only to fill the void once again,with something or someone, that is temporary,or will also die.Why must we only find contentwithin external input of feelings and emotions?And how can you love yourself,if you do not export or share the same,knowing that you can and will also die,leaving someone else in pain.To love is to be loved,and when that external side of you is gone...You may once again fill that void,and move on.But it may never be complete,and unconditional,for fear of separation anxietyOr at the very least,it may never be the same as the one you once chose...So go ahead and cry.