Okay, can we all style up a little please?

I am perplexed at the way some people think it is okay for guys to act a fool yet when a woman does the same it’s literally the worst crime in the world! Sure, women are supposed to act classy and bla bla bla…but please, (and that please comes with utmost importance), who gave men permission to lose class?

Friday, March 15, 2013

I am perplexed at the way some people think it is okay for guys to act a fool yet when a woman does the same it’s literally the worst crime in the world! Sure, women are supposed to act classy and bla bla bla…but please, (and that please comes with utmost importance), who gave men permission to lose class?Gentlemen please, before you go all ‘Tyson’ on me, hear me out. This fellow, who seems to break records in irritating people every passing day, told me women and alcohol is just the worst sight. Now personally, anyone who has issues with that fine creation in a bottle becomes an instant enemy.Since I felt like a Christian that day, I decided to have the conversation rather than opt for the other idea in my head – fire a truck load of X-Rated words at him. I gave the conversation exactly 15 minutes before the ‘irritant’ met China O’Brian! Apparently alcohol isn’t good for women. That I know you annoying donkey…it’s not good for anyone! For a moment there, the manner in which he disagreed inspired me.  According to my nauseating friend, alcohol isn’t that bad if men are the ones consuming it. As I listened to him, I resisted the urge to slap him and pretend I was trying to kill a fly. "It’s like seeing a woman smoke, it’s just wrong,” he went on. Now, I may not be the Creator or even a doctor, but I’m pretty sure that male and female lungs/kidney/liver/whatever other organ is damaged by drinking and smoking were designed the same. On more occasions than I care to remember, I have witnessed men so drunk that I am tempted to hit the streets and start a ‘no booze’ campaign! Once, some drunkard decided that enjoying his drunk state alone was a waste and therefore other people around needed a sample. He walked from table to table speaking a language I’m not sure even he understood and all I could think was; what a total waste of masculine space! Let a woman get that drunk and it’s another story. People will curse and stare and literally talk about it till they witness another drunken woman. Back in the day, if a boy escaped from home and came back drunker than a judge on vacation (those guys must compensate for their sober ways in court), he would be scolded. But if a girl did the same…oh my!Don’t even get me started with guys who think it is okay to sleep around yet when a girl exercises the same kind of fun; somehow there is something seriously wrong with her. It has never and it will never be cool for ANYONE to go around ‘sampling goods’ like they are out to set a record. AIDS, STD’s, lung cancer, liver/kidney problems….none of these know gender! Oh..and acting a fool? Yeah… that never worked for anyone either!