Painting Fiasco

Abagore, murababaje..(Ladies, I feel sorry for you.) Honestly those are the words that have been running through my mind. I have no idea what I can do to change women in Rwanda but a contingency plan is necessary, otherwise, woe is us.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Abagore, murababaje..(Ladies, I feel sorry for you.)

Honestly those are the words that have been running through my mind. I have no idea what I can do to change women in Rwanda but a contingency plan is necessary, otherwise, woe is us.I am not talking about the same old vices women have everywhere, no, those I will leave for men to bemoan. I am going to complain about (small as it may seem) the nonexistent eyebrows on their foreheads.Seriously, what happened to that age where eyebrows were a necessity for women’s faces? I miss those long gone days, where natural eyebrows reigned supreme. Before the Eye Pencil Nation conducted a coup d’état.At least if you are going to cut off your necessary (I stress, necessary) eyebrows, would you mind not scaring us with the repainted version?Ivan and Zoe were away at The Old Planet Restaurant in Kisimenti for supper so I had to go home alone. In addition to the envy I feel for them I felt royally angry at the world for not giving me an equally attentive, loaded guy who could whisk me off to Serena at a moment’s notice.So I am walking down some shady Kacyiru road, wanting a bit of privacy (which I was not going to get in a Twegerane) to steam and cuss. All thoughts of frustration however disappeared in incredulity when I saw a harem of very pretty looking girls chatter and laugh (in a twinkling manner, somehow I can’t pull mine off like that; it is always something between a snort and a choke).As with every female humanoid species in the world, I looked. Goodness gracious me! The first girl I really looked at made me cross to walk on the other side of the road.Where there had once been a growth of human, cilia-like, beautiful eyebrows, she had angry slashes rivaling Genghis Khan’s.Any ways, it turns out she is not the only one with this deformity, I hear it is the rage in Rwanda to slash the area above your eyes with a black crayon or eye pencil. Whatever makes you sleep at night I say, I just wonder, in the morning, what does your boyfriend/child/husband/sibling say when they see you before you ‘sadolin’ your forehead?Isn’t there a  cancer caused by these things?