When it’s permissible for men to gossip

Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t gossiping meant for the fairer sex?  Some men should pat themselves on then shoulder for taking over this habit and beating the inventors at their own game. Growing up, a big number of women were stay-at- home mothers with a lot of time on their hands. This gave them time to chit chat and gossip about everything. And who could blame them? 

Friday, March 15, 2013
Martin Bishopu2019s Black Diary

Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t gossiping meant for the fairer sex?  Some men should pat themselves on then shoulder for taking over this habit and beating the inventors at their own game. Growing up, a big number of women were stay-at- home mothers with a lot of time on their hands. This gave them time to chit chat and gossip about everything. And who could blame them?  But lately trends have changed. Some women have to work hard to provide for their families. Many are left with no time for gossip let alone a decent chat. This is when some idle men came around and saved a nasty habit that risked extinction. Here, I don’t mean every day office gossip where dudes relieve their work stress and the long hours spent in front of a computer by sharing a light, slightly gossipy session. I mean deep gossip where they gossip about their mates the way women used to do in huts long ago but only better! When a man starts talking about how his wife ‘burns his dish’ and that is then reason he eats from Irene’s restaurant, that’s pure gossip! It’s quite embarrassing sharing a table with such chaps. There is this guy I am literally mortified to address as my friend - we secretly named him gossip queen. This guy freely gossips like it’s the normal thing to do. Currently, he spends most of his evenings looking for someone to sit down with and have a beer because all mature and sensible men avoid him like the plague.Personally I would rather walk through a brick wall than bump into him. Recently debating whether he is worth telling the truth or it was only wise to let him be, (a friend said that we should ‘heal’ him). And there was no better remedy than to use his own ammo as the remedy. We were supposed to sit and share all the nasty ‘info’ we knew about him and use it against him like he casually spills everyone else’s shady info!  Like kids sharing stolen sweets, in hushed voices we all in turn ‘gossiped’ about him all evening. Like he had been sent, he came just after the last person had finished spilling data. Like a gossip expert he took one good look at us and in a sad tone said "you’ve been talking about me, right?” I don’t know about the others but I looked down at my shoes and my guilty look confirmed his fears. The once cheerful gossiping fellow left swearing under his breath. That’s when I confirmed that the only time people dislike gossip is when they are the ones being gossiped about.