This is the right move

Dear editor, The move taken by the Anglican church of Rwanda of condemning gay behaviour is great.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dear editor,

The move taken by the Anglican church of Rwanda of condemning gay behaviour is great.

The fact that Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini of Rwanda together with nine other bishops attended an anti-gay gathering in Israel, shows that Rwanda is in support of good morals.

As well known Africa is not the source of gay behaviour and it has never been part of our culture. Standing up for the rightness about this problem shows that Africans in this case Rwandans are not ready to compromise.

The archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams should repent for his lack of moral standards. As a leader of the Anglican Church, it was his responsibility to stop the consecration of the gay bishop, Gene Robinson in the US.

Leaders are responsible for their flock and if they fail to be exemplary, the flock will get lost. And at the end of the day, they will be answerable for their actions.

I call upon all the different religious groups in Rwanda to stand firm in their fight against immorality because we do not want to see a repeat of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah here in Rwanda.
