Non-academic issues are passing fancies

IN SCHOOL, the measure of being cool has always been who knows most about music, movies, cars and technology or who has the best swag (level of coolness.) And surprisingly, many students want to be all these things.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Patrick buchana

IN SCHOOL, the measure of being cool has always been who knows most about music, movies, cars and technology or who has the best swag (level of coolness.) And surprisingly, many students want to be all these things. Dr Ismael Buchanan, an academician and professor at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology once said, "When your at the front of class, for whatever reason, be it a presentation or demonstration, look out for what matters most – the main reason you are there.” He further added that many students will want to make fun to please their peers but the most important thing at the end of the day is the lecturer who awards the marks. Please the students and miss out on what is important or assure the lecturer you deserve the best through an outstanding presentation. Being a cool kid in school is something everyone admires to be, having a cute girlfriend and spending time in non-academic issues. Well that is everyone’s dream and trust me even the students that are called geeks (people that over read) also desire the same, but what keeps them going is the "first things first” thought.Let me give you a small highlight of the life of a cool person. Yes, every time they are cool and surely admired by everyone in school, but what happens after that? Vacation time starts and it’s not long before results come out and only to find they are one of the worst in the school. Because it’s clear fun and books don’t mix. You become the measure of why the cool wasn’t the best in the country. All your friends say, "You know we would have actually been the best but just because of the girls, funny and fake results.”No one says you were cool and didn’t read that’s why you didn’t pass, they all say you are dim witted. And now the time that you were supposed to be enjoying the time of your life, all you do is hide from people, switch off your phone so that people don’t ask you about your grades. So it’s best you leave all that for the right time. Vacation is the time to let the other fun side of you out. You have all the liberty to and you can make it. All it takes is a little patience and focus on first things first and the rest will be added unto you with time. Settle down for the remaining time in school and you wont regret but enjoy the fruits of that little time well spent, the good thing with it is it’s for a life time though on the other hand, you can play with your little time in school and spend the rest of your life cursing and regretting the bad choice. The ball is in your court, play it the way you want.