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School going children prefer getting their break-fast, lunch and supper on time, this is because children spend most of their time at school doing class work and in most cases on empty stomachs. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

School going children prefer getting their break-fast, lunch and supper on time, this is because children spend most of their time at school doing class work and in most cases on empty stomachs.    

When a child misses one or two meals a day, he or she finds it difficult to concentrate in class. A number of children tell the effects of studying with an empty stomach.

Happy Abarame, 12- P.6

If a child studies with an empty stomach, he or she is likely to sleep while the teacher is teaching.   

Gloria Nshuti, 12- P.6

An empty stomach make the body and a child can fail to concentrate while lessons are going on.

Claudine Uwitonze, 13- P.6

A child studying on an empty stomach is fond of yawning every time in class.

Claudine Umulisa, 11- P.4

A child with an empty stomach finds no strength to play with his fellow friends at school.

Yvette Kagoyire, 11- P.4

An empty stomach makes one to look sick. Hunger makes children to look sickly and some times shivers.

Yvette Kagoyire, 11- P.4

An empty stomach makes one to look sick. Hunger makes children to look sickly and some times shivers.

Aurea Kayigirwa, 12- P.5

A child who is always studying with empty stomachs does not concentrate in class. Hunger can cause poor performance of children. 

Odire Uwineza, 12- P.6

If a child misses meals, he or she can develop ulcers hence failing to study regularly.
