The singing Fruit

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Brenda. She used to stay with mum and Dad. One day her mother sent her to the forest to collect firewood. She was only 8 years old by then.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Brenda. She used to stay with mum and Dad. One day her mother sent her to the forest to collect firewood. She was only 8 years old by then.

Along the road she saw a beautiful fruit which looked like an onion. It was so beautiful that it had bright colors of red and orange.

Her mother had advised her never to pick up anything on the road. But when she saw how beautiful it was she quickly forgot what mummy said and up rooted the fruit.

After fetching water, she went back home but hiding the fruit in her pocket. Her own mother and father did not know that she had gone against their advice.

At supper time, while they were sited at the table, they heard music coming from Brenda’s bedroom.

The fruit started singing: "Brenda feed me because I didn’t tell you to pick me.”

They all ran to bedroom, only to see a fruit. Brenda started crying because she was scared. But her parents were so annoyed because she had not followed their advice so they forced her to feed the fruit.

The fruit continued to force her to do many things, like carrying it, bathing it, covering it in bed. No one felt sorry for her. After 10 days she stopped doing everything it said. So the fruit jumped and entered her mouth.

Brenda could not breathe because her mouth was full of a big fruit. Her parents took her to the hospital and the fruit was removed and destroyed.

Since that time, she learnt never to pick anything from the road. Even if it looks very beautiful children should never pick things from the road.

Remember that God has given you everything and you should appreciate what you have. Don’t take what is not yours.
