The best of Kenyan election tweets

The Kenyan elections had twitter (#kenyadecides) buzzing for the whole of this week, from the performances of the candidates to the breakdown of the electronic tallying system that delayed the results.  Below are a few memorable ones.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Kenyan elections had twitter (#kenyadecides) buzzing for the whole of this week, from the performances of the candidates to the breakdown of the electronic tallying system that delayed the results. Below are a few memorable ones.You do not expect #CORD to win when even LANDslide is a property of the Uhuru family.. #KenyaDecides"If Safcom converted Muite’s votes to Bonga points,ingebidi aongeze thao ndio apatiwe Kabambe”."Hahahaha "@HSMPress_: Alshabab has 5 Kenyan hostages; #IEBC has 41 million Kenyans as hostages. #kenyadecides”"Now that the politicians have won their victories, its time for them to recover their money in elective post #KenyaDecides”."I think we’ve established that we’re fast at running but slow at counting. #KenyaDecides” Lessons galore”"Dida still fighting for champions league and Muite avoiding relegation. #kenyadecides”."A minor reason why I am here is to show that I am neither in prison...nor dead. But I am stressed,” says the IEBC’s CEO. #KenyaDecides"Two prominent luos in the diaspora Obama Barack and Ocampo Luis yet to comment on the election results. #KenyaDecides”."The only IEBC ‘technology’ that did not fail were the sign translators. Congs to them. #KenyaDecides”>Prez Museveni on Kenya polls (II): ‘These Kenyan elections. I’ve been receiving phone calls I am almost becoming deaf’. #KenyaDecides”."Foreign journalist be like, ‘this country is boring, I’m going to Syria!’ #kenyadecides”."#JustAsking Are the Returning Officers flying KQ? Coz that explains why some were left behind #KenyaDecides”."#KenyaDecides: While Ugandans get election results before election day, Kenyans probably get them after the president has been sworn in”."Hope our next president will not consider putting himself on the Kenya shilling will lose its value! #KenyaDecides”."Kiyiapi has gone to see the dentist. He is trying to fill the gap! #KenyaDecides”."Muite could Concede defeat by posting a photo on Facebook and then Tag his Supporters #Kenya Decides”."So apparently the fat lady who is meant to sing…does not do fries!#KenyaDecides”."I’ve never been this exhausted just from sitting and watching TV!! & I thought that was one of my hobbies? #Kenyadecides”."Now our Uncle Al-Bashir can visit us in peace. No visas to Sudan. #KenyaDecides”."Dida got 7 votes in the diaspora. 1 from Rongai Republic and 6 from a circus in each of the other continents #KenyaDecides”"Just spoke with Peris Pesi Tobiko, the first #Masai woman elected to the #Kenyan parliament. Remarkable person #Kenyadecides”." Even #Dstv is playing along and bringing us the same old movies and series they have been recycling! #kenyadecides”."No hurry in Africa” has been taken to a new extreme by the #IEBC’s vote count #Kenyadecides”"BREAKING NEWS: Foreign reporters clash in #Kenya amid growing scarcity of bad news. #kenyadecides”."#KenyaDecides This candidate "Rejected” is doing so well @ over 200,000 votes yet he never even debated :) !!”"So far lawyer & Safina’s Paul Muite seems to have got fewer votes than clients he’s ever represented. Interesting. #KenyaDecides”."Today, in Kenya, a sitting African president went to the polls and voted for someone else #KenyaDecides”.".Before you go lecturing Africans on democracy, think about the last time you waited in line for nine hours to vote. #KenyaDecides”."#kenyadecides why did the chicken cross the road? It was following in the footsteps of its daddy to statehouse”."At this rate we may have a new pope faster than we get a new president #KenyaDecides”."New parrot species discovered in Kenya. They’re currently nested at #NTV studio-zoo. Hi Larry and Wally! #kenyadecides”."Watching paint dry” shall from now on be replaced by the phrase "waiting for election results” #KenyaDecides” #TunawesWait”."Lol! That awkward and frustrating moment when you’re fighting with a decimal point to become the next president of Kenya #kenyadecides”.