Cleanliness is healthy for children

Before going to bed, mum makes sure Sandra’s school uniform is well prepared for her. This is because, in the morning she is busy preparing Sandra for school.

Saturday, March 09, 2013
Being clean makes children feel good about themselves. Net photo.

Before going to bed, mum makes sure Sandra’s school uniform is well prepared for her. This is because, in the morning she is busy preparing Sandra for school.In the morning, Sandra wakes up to get ready for school. She goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, brushes and after that, she dresses up by the help of her mum. Then she goes for breakfast.She wears the school uniform which has been ironed. Sandra is always looking smart and neat. This makes her feel good about herself.It is healthy to be clean and neat. Having combed hair, ironed uniform, clean socks, clean and short finger nails gives one a healthy body.This is simply because germs do not have a breeding place, thus avoiding diseases that are as a result of being dirty and untidy.The comfort that comes with cleanliness, smartness and neatness creates an environment that is conducive for studying to a pupil hence making concentration in class easier. After all, cleanliness is next to godliness. So atleast for that reason, try your best to keep clean, smart and tidy.