Milk for notes

You know that coin machine that was introduced by Inyange to provide milk?  Well now it’s in KIST and guess what? Milk is just at RWF 100. And the new policy is if you are seen eating lunch without a drink then everyone will ask, “Doesn’t that guy or chick have at least RWF 100?”

Thursday, March 07, 2013

You know that coin machine that was introduced by Inyange to provide milk? Well now it’s in KIST and guess what? Milk is just at RWF 100. And the new policy is if you are seen eating lunch without a drink then everyone will ask, "Doesn’t that guy or chick have at least RWF 100?” So no one wants to be put in that category of people. 100 francs everyday isn’t that impossible really, but what happens to the items that the RWF100 was originally being used for? I have this creepy suspicion that people actually no longer buy notes.No one will question why you don’t have notes, but they will actually die of curiosity when you’re in the dinning hall without a drink and yet the food you are eating is already cheap enough.  Food at the dinning in KIST is just RWF100 and the restaurant is nicknamed Kill Me Quickly!The photocopying places that were always filled with students now just have nothing but bored workers and photocopying machines. They are totally out of business. In class, no one has notes, when the lecturers give notes; everyone wants the soft copy because the schedule for the RWF100 is now on milk. But ask yourself how many people actually have laptops. Rumour has it that some boy walked to a café and begged not to use the internet but just to use the computer to read for a paper. But don’t think these machines have only brought such unserious behaviour, on the bright side, they have also helped get people dates. You know how you ask a lady out for lunch or dinner? These guys just go like, "Maybe I can take you for milk sometime,” and the lady blushes and smiles she was asked to Kigali Serena Hotel for dinner!