9 sneaky ways to get more fruits and veggies in your diet

Fruit and vegetables are some of the very vital and nutritious foods everybody needs like we have discussed before on this page.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Fruit and vegetables are some of the very vital and nutritious foods everybody needs like we have discussed before on this page.Below are a few tips on how to have more fruit and veggies as part of your meals.Snack smart: Instead of snacking on chips or cookies, make sure to have healthier alternatives on hand. Some great options include carrots, banana and other fruits. Remember that a ½ cup of most raw fruits or veggies equals one serving. Leave fruit in obvious sight: Passing by the kitchen? You’re more likely to grab a handful of grapes or cherries if they are sitting on the counter displayed in a nice bowl. Or perhaps, if they’re in your view, you’ll grab a banana or orange on the way out the door. Never go fruit or veggie-less: Make sure every meal or snack you eat is paired with a fruit or veggie. For instance, add tomato, onion to your eggs, avocado, and greens to your lunch and dinner meals and fruit to your breakfast.Plan ahead: If you find yourself with a free hour in the morning, get out the chopper and prepare your veggies. Sautee some onions so the mix is ready to add to any meal—omelet, salads, pasta and more. Make soup: Homemade soups can be super simple and a great way to increase your vegetable intake. Cook any amount of fresh or leftover vegetables (for example, carrots, onions, tomatoes) until vegetables are tender and add them to a simple broth for an easy weekday meal. Double up: Two serving of veggies please! This is the one time that doubling up on your servings can actually be a good thing. Half you plate should be filled up with fruit and veggies.  Always include salad before or after dinner: And this doesn’t have to mean just boring lettuce and tomato—try spicing it up, maybe with sautéed mushrooms or by making a chopped salad with fruit and nuts. Freeze your fruit: Looking for a sweet snack after dinner? Sometimes the perfect simple dessert consists of a handful of frozen grapes or strawberries (1/2 a cup equals one serving).Snack on a smoothie: A blended smoothie can offer the perfect breakfast, lunch or snack. Start with your favorite fruits and some low-fat or milk and then throw in a handful of greens for an added nutritional boost (1 cup of greens equals one serving of veggies).If you’re worried that you won’t like the flavor of the spinach add a banana or a small spoon and you won’t taste the greens.Source; www.healthywomen.org