My man is too good for me, how can I repay him?

My boyfriend always pampers me and due to my long hours at work, I do not feel like I repay as much as I should. Please give me some tips on how men like to feel spoiled? Thanks!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

My boyfriend always pampers me and due to my long hours at work, I do not feel like I repay as much as I should. Please give me some tips on how men like to feel spoiled? Thanks!Monique

--------------------------------------------------Dear Monique,First of all, I hope that you thank the heavens above for your ‘problem’. Not many women write to me asking about how they can ‘revenge’ on their boyfriends for treating them like queens. You are one lucky woman. So, you are wondering how to repay the man for being so good to you? One idea I have is giving him a personal Spa Day. Spend a day (or a couple of hours) giving him a full body massage, clipping his overgrown finger and toenails, massaging his scalp and waiting on him hand and foot. Or you can give him a day when he can do whatever he wishes. Does he want to watch football with his friends? Let him invite them and buy the beer and snacks? Does he want to read a book in total silence? Let him. Why don’t you give him a handwritten letter that spells out just how happy you are that he’s in your life? You don’t have to spend money to show someone just how much you appreciate them. If you have a query, contact