Be all woman and proud

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8th March all over the world. Originally it was International Working Women’s Day.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Be proud of your womanhood, no matter what you do. The New Times / Courtesy.

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8th March all over the world. Originally it was International Working Women’s Day. Women all around the world mark this special day to let all women know that they are important, appreciated and deserve to be respected, no matter who they are, whether they are working or not, no matter their nationality, race or religion. This is the day that marks the struggle of all women who are brave to involve themselves in today’s harsh society.So tomorrow is Women’s Day and I cannot help but feel that this should be everyday! We all owe our existence to our mothers. Whether they are here with us or not, whether we liked them or not and whether they are the mothering kind or not – it is not for us to question or analyse.  Sometimes we should just be grateful for the gift of life and for the womb that carried each of us from conception to birth. A tribute to mothers should not be left to one day alone!All mothers from different walks of life have challenges. And all women worth being called women will have a nurturing instinct. With nurturing comes inevitable involvement. It is about sacrifice, which means you give without expecting. It means you care even when the concerned party doesn’t. It also means you leave yourself exposed to being hurt.In my opinion, nurturing is perhaps the most crucial and most important virtue a woman can have because it is love and care and unconditional sacrifice all rolled into one. It says to the world that you are consistent, devoted, and reliable and can be trusted even with intimate details. It gives the person who is well nurtured a sense of security. It is this same sense of security that gives the child (or other recipient) the space to grow and blossom into a mature person, a mature mind. Or at least we hope so…. many factors can influence the growth and development of the individual.Nevertheless, I would still like to pay tribute to my mother, all mothers and all women in general. I am proud to be the woman that I am today and I owe it all to my mother. I am also very grateful for the privilege of having been raised by so many phenomenal women and continue to be surrounded by women who are beautiful inside and out. I have come to learn and see how women are the real architects of the society we live in. More often than not, childcare is the responsibility of women. It is the woman who gets to teach, to mould, to influence and to nurture the minds of the children. These same children learn from and develop largely influenced by the primary carergiver- most probably a woman!Food for thought: Just think, even God in his infinite wisdom felt and knew it was of great necessity for a man to have a woman beside him. So women let us all stand tall and proud. Let the lives we lead be a daily tribute to our gender, our families, our children and especially our God.Proud to be all WOMAN!Have a blessed Women’s Day everyone!