Women: complicated but so worth the trouble!

At what point will men stop trying to figure women out? We –no scratch that – I gave up on understanding these male creatures a long time ago – around the time we evolved from apes to hairy humans. I am sick and tired of questions on the nature of the female species.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

At what point will men stop trying to figure women out? We –no scratch that – I gave up on understanding these male creatures a long time ago – around the time we evolved from apes to hairy humans. I am sick and tired of questions on the nature of the female species. According to glamourgist.com, women experience a lot of changes. Biologically, women undergo so many changes within a month. Take the ‘red robot’ for example - I mean it would be so much easier if Mother Nature sent us a text every month saying ‘Congratulations, you are not pregnant!’ instead of biology being confused for complication. That’s not complicated; under the effect of such hormones we behave differently. I think the secret is out that women think with their hearts – perhaps that is why some men find it okay to constantly remodel their partners’ faces. A woman will think that because her heart tells her she is in love, the missing teeth in his mouth do not matter. That might just be our biggest problem. However, I have to stress the point that I am not one of those think –with- the- heart girls. If my brain figures out something shady, the last thing that fellow will see is the dust my speeding feet leave behind!Women expect a lot, in fact…more than tolerable some times. Since we give in everything 110 percent (and again I am not included here), it is only natural that that 110 percent is returned.  However, when those expectations are not met, we turn into something of another nature – complication would be an understatement. I like the way some men pretend they don’t know why a woman is pissed. This isn’t complicated - dude, try washing the dishes from time to time instead of piling the sink. Make the bed or remember to say happy birthday instead of waltzing out the house without so much as a kiss. I know some things seem really small, but if you have one of those chicks who don’t differentiate small issues from big ones, then you have two options – either dump her, or style up and try not to piss her off even on a small level. As a woman, I know for a fact that we ask questions we are not sure we want to hear the answers to ourselves. For example, there is never a right answer when it comes to some of the questions we ask. "Am I fat?’ is a question I’m guessing no man wants to be faced with. ‘No’ would make the guy a liar because somehow he is saying that because it is what she wants to hear and ‘yes’ would automatically turn him into an insensitive %@#. Complication does not get more serious than this.Naturally, women are versatile creatures, we see details rather than big pictures, we appreciate the smallest gestures and are passionate when it comes to the way we love (well some are). Women are complicated only because we constantly grow and change the way we look at life. I love complication...it’s a challenge, but most importantly, I love being a woman. Put the two together and you have one fine creation! Cheers to my ladies - happy Women’s Day tomorrow.