Editorial: Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you to this week’s magazine. Women Today is the one place where women’s interests come first.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The Women Today team welcomes you to this week’s magazine. Women Today is the one place where women’s interests come first.Their dreams, challenges and achievements are celebrated within these pages, and why shouldn’t they? Women are the silent engine of Rwanda’s social, economic and political development.Tomorrow Rwanda celebrates International Women’s Day and we will also launch the Women’s Month nationally. The first week will be dedicated to girl’s education, the second to economic empowerment, the third to social issues and the last week will be used to celebrate women in good governance and justice. Women Today talked to four women who are great examples of the progress women have made in Rwanda. See the interview on page 5.Our very own medical expert, Dr. Rachna Pande, a specialist working in Ruhengeri Hospital, discusses health issues relating to heart disease and other causes of chest pains. Her advice, which you will find on page 7, is extremely useful.Are you the kind of person to go home straight from work and plop down in the sofa to watch a TV series or movie? Or are you the kind that goes straight to the kitchen to prepare a delicious meal? Or perhaps you prefer to spend your evenings sipping hot tea and enjoying a good read? No matter your tastes and preferences, we have something for you. Turn to Page 6 to see what we have for you.Enjoy!