THE RWANDA EDUCATION Board (REB) and the USAID-funded Literacy, Language, and Learning (L3) Initiative have developed the programme have come up with an initiative that is expected to boost learning of the mathematics subject.
THE RWANDA EDUCATION Board (REB) and the USAID-funded Literacy, Language, and Learning (L3) Initiative have developed the programme have come up with an initiative that is expected to boost learning of the mathematics subject.The numeracy programme informed by the latest research in children’s learning development will benefit first benefit 90 primary schools before it is extended to others.Anathalie Nyirandagijimana, a curriculum developer in charge of pedagogical norms at REB said that the programme will effectively contribute to excellence in mathematics."Rather than simply learning to apply rules and perform mathematical tasks, children need to think mathematically to solve everyday life problems,” she said.Agnes Mukagatete, the L3 math materials developer said that the program aims at among others developing students’ mental math skills."When children are able to do such simple calculations quickly in their heads, they can more efficiently deal with more complex equations,” Mukagatete said.Dr. Paul Goldenberg, L3 senior math specialist says that open-ended problem is a better model of the thinking needed to solve problems that are also encountered in real life.The L3 programme is implemented by Education Development Centre with assistance from VSO, Concern Worldwide, International Education Exchange, and the Peace Corps. It has seen various initiatives implemented in promoting and improving the quality of education.-----------------------------------Primary schools get literacy supportTHE RWANDA EDUCATION Board (REB) in conjunction with Literacy, Language and Learning Initiative (L3) is offering a comprehensive literacy support package to 90 primary schools across the country in a five year-project phase to enhance teaching and learning in literacy and numeracy.The literacy support consists of detailed teachers’ guides, students reading books and Interactive audio Instruction (IAI) programs which guide teachers and students through fun and engaging lessons."Reading is essential for further learning. REB and L3 have produced class instructional materials which are supposed to support teachers in effectively building the foundation reading skills that children need.” Dr Joyce Musabe, Deputy Director General of Curriculum Department, REB, said."A child’s awareness of the individual sounds in words is a stronger predictor of long- term reading and spelling success than variables such as intelligence, vocabulary knowledge and socio-economic status.” Said Sofia Cozzolino, L3 English materials developer.Anathalie Nyirandagijimana, a curriculum developer in charge of pedagogical norms at REB said that the programs include relying on children’s own knowledge and logic to solve problems, reasoning abstractly, explaining and justifying the process they use to solve problems.The Director General of REB John Rutayisire appreciated the hard work of the programs developers and said there might be an improvement in assuring the quality of education adding that this new programs are a sign of new shift in education quality improvement.