You have your fingers in many pies. Tell us some of them.Not really.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Remmy Lubega is the Creative and Marketing Manager of City Radio. He is also into events and promotions. Moses Opobo met the man behind the name…You have your fingers in many pies. Tell us some of them.

Not really. I’m just doing what I have been doing all the years – I’m a businessman, who enjoys developing innovative concepts as a marketer, so I run consultancy for different firms and projects but mainly I handle creative production of promotions, media and events, performing arts. Is it true that radio stations ask for money from musicians to play their songs?

Well, not any that I know of here. But ideally in a true music industry, especially in countries where music is professional and a recognised tax avenue for government with laws protecting their copyrights, yes, recording companies that are responsible for distribution and promoting artistes or music do pay radio stations to power play songs for a certain period of time for "promotions purposes.” When you have song videos carrying labels like "for promo use only”, it means that that media house has been paid to push that content. And after the period has expired then they withdraw that material. If it has become a hit, radios then start paying royalties for the copyright or intellectual property they are using. A report released ahead of Valentine’s Day ranked Rwandan women the second most romantic in the world.  What’s your say?

Did you say "romantic”? Oops, that word! Well I’m not certain because I have just a few friends and I find them friendly! Why do most radio presenters talk in borrowed accents?

I assume some of them end up that way because they take on a character that may not necessarily be them, call it "acting” and in some cases if you have mastered it well and the listener is cool with it why not, it’s all about your listener if they enjoy you that way go ahead if it rubs them badly you still pay the price...but am not one so I can’t know otherwise!