Sharing is an expression of love

‘’Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’’ This is a commandment from God. Loving your neighbour simply means showing care by sharing with the needy around you. This shows that someone thinks about them even when they seem unworthy.

Saturday, March 02, 2013
Sharing is caring.

‘’Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’’ This is a commandment from God. Loving your neighbour simply means showing care by sharing with the needy around you. This shows that someone thinks about them even when they seem unworthy.It could be at school or even in your homestead; there are always those children that are not as lucky as you are to afford what you have. For example, your neighbour at school may not be able to pack something to eat at break. This is not because they do not get hungry but it is rather because maybe their parents or guardians cannot afford to get  them what to pack for break while at school.So as a good classmate, you do not have to be mean but share with them what you have so that she or he is also happy—this is showing love to your neighbour.It may seem small but weighs a lot to the receiver. You might not even give it much thought as you share, but to your friend or classmate, it means that someone cares and loves them.This puts a smile on their faces and also gives you a satisfaction in your heart. Oh yes, you have showed love, you deserve more love and blessings.After all, sharing is caring which can only be seen as a result of love for each other. It is simply another way to say, ‘’I love you’’ to those who receive the care.