Who wants to be a daft millionaire?

I wonder if there is anyone out there who loves Who Wants To Be  A Millionaire as much as I do. I usually pretend I’m in the hot seat – choosing whether or not to gamble on a question like ‘Complete the name of the book Hansel and ….” then thinking of how I read it when I was younger but can’t quite remember if it was Gretel or Gertrude and fate has it that I used up all my life lines!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I wonder if there is anyone out there who loves Who Wants To Be  A Millionaire as much as I do. I usually pretend I’m in the hot seat – choosing whether or not to gamble on a question like ‘Complete the name of the book Hansel and ….” then thinking of how I read it when I was younger but can’t quite remember if it was Gretel or Gertrude and fate has it that I used up all my life lines!For my confused peeps, Who Wants To Be A Millionare is a British quiz show, that airs on DSTV’s BBC E. The show offers a maximum cash prize of one million pounds (yes you read that right) for correctly answering successive multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty. The show has been exported to many other countries, all of which follow the same general format.Three lifelines are presented at the beginning of the game in order to aid contestants – ask the audience, 50/50 and phone a friend. Very helpful they are. So when using your lifelines, you have to pray the audience isn’t daft, the friend you plan on phoning isn’t drunk, and the 50/50 breaks it down to something easier.Now, since I love the show so much it was only natural that I would be interested when it moved closer to me – in Uganda! The show debuted on January 31st 2011, with the same format and a grand prize of SHS 25 million. After watching the first episodes, I decided this was too easy to miss out on. After all, you have to be real daft – or real ancient - to not know that Cinderella dropped a glass slipper and not a wallet, phone, or matchbox for that matter! Even though I felt some of the questions were rather kindergarten like, it didn’t stop me from answering them with so much vigor - cursing the fellow who didn’t know Mary had a little lamb! Who wastes a lifeline on that? By the time he got to the hard stuff like naming the first United States Secretary of the Treasury, he had wasted three perfectly good lifelines trying to figure out which Ugandan artist is also known as Mazzi Mawanvu (that would be Bobi Wine – there, don’t say you didn’t know).Around the time I wanted to enter the TV and bang a hammer on some people’s heads, came a girl who claimed she was a law student. Finally…I thought to myself, someone with real sense on the show. I have never been so disappointed by an individual my whole life. This ‘law’ student had to call a friend to ask her who the first female Vice President of Uganda was! An aspiring lawyer would at least know that Dr. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe was not just the first VP in Uganda but the first VP of an independent nation in Africa. What the heck…who needs brains when you have money right? From what I’ve heard the show in Uganda fell asleep – there was simply no point in creating daft millionaires.