Desdimona and the ‘Mean’ Teachers

Desdimona lived in a small town named Satellite. She was beautiful; brown eyed, brown skin and ebony hair. She also inherited an eye problem from her parents. She wore thick eye glasses from an early age that made her look like a nerd!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Desdimona lived in a small town named Satellite. She was beautiful; brown eyed, brown skin and ebony hair. She also inherited an eye problem from her parents. She wore thick eye glasses from an early age that made her look like a nerd!Desdimona loved going to school and playing with her friends at break time. During the school week, Desdimona went to bed early and her mummy woke her up early in the morning. She ate breakfast and dressed neatly in her school uniform (having bathed the night before) and walked to Satellite primary school. Desdimona made sure to never arrive late for school because she knew the consequences. One day, the worst happened: Desdimona overslept and arrived at the school gate as the bell rang. Her heart sank as she realised that she was a late comer. Inside the school gates she stood in line with the other late comers. The teacher on late duty was Mr. Kemani. He commanded all late comers to kneel down and put their arms in the air. The hard, rocky surface in front of the school was torture for little school children.  One girl who was a bit chubby cried all through the punishment and when the mean teacher released them to go to class, the chubby girl stood up and blood was gushing from her knees. She was extremely upset at the teacher and when her rich parents came to take her home, they threatened the teacher into promising not to punish their daughter in that manner again.Desdimona’s best subjects were English, Kiswahili, Religion and Music. Her worst subjects were Mathematics and Science which were taught by the meanest teacher in the whole wide world! Mrs. Muhia was aware of her mean reputation and did not give a hoot! She would actually boast and say: "I am not going anywhere, I taught your older brother, sister and some of your parents and you will all leave me here!” Desdimona hated and feared this mean teacher with all her strength. At night, Desdimona would have nightmares about multiplication tables and cramming her tables for the next morning. During the math class, Desdimona would be full of anxiety and forget her tables. Mrs. Muhia ‘the Ruthless’ used a formula in her beating where, if you missed a table of 8 you received 8 canes on your hands or legs or buttocks. It was the same for the tables of 6, 7, and 9. There also were beatings for not speaking English at all times.Desdimona grew up with a fear for teachers and had anxiety attacks whenever she had to speak in front of the class. Teachers, remember that children look up to adults in their lives. It is your choice (Teachers) to either put down and terrorise or encourage and empower a child in your care.