Men who can’t take NO’ an answer

I do not see the need to keep going after life has put you down. If you are down, stay down, many problems have risen from people who do not realise that they have been defeated.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I do not see the need to keep going after life has put you down. If you are down, stay down, many problems have risen from people who do not realise that they have been defeated.Having said that, I do not want anyone to think I am giving career advice. I am talking to those men who do not realise that when a girl says no they should learn that she means it. And, yes, this means you Rwandan boys.Before this, I was enraged and had promised to mention his full name; however, to ensure that he gets a future wife (who will be a loser like him) I will use one name, Rukundo.Rukundo is a man in my neighbourhood, he is not bad looking (okay, he is hot), however he has a smelly mouth, even after chewing PK (trust me, I have offered it to him) so knowing my abhorrence to bad odours, I intended to avoid him like the plague. Well, it turns out our sentiments were not mutual. Rukundo professed to have fallen in love with me at first sight. As much as I was flattered I was not interested, so I used the age old girl rune, "Let us just be friends”.That is when creepy things started. A message on our house maid’s phone for me, "I am lonely as a sky without stars when I am not with you.” He followed me to work one day and he sent another message where the genius had combined our names "Rukutera” Goodness!I explained in the best way that we were merely friends. He said he got the difference, but he was trying, hoping he would win my heart with his perseverance. I told him in very clear terms of the saying "Even when hell freezes over!” But he maintained a silly smile and said "With God all is possible.”By now I am sure you like the guy’s persistence. Me, not so much. He followed me for four weeks until we got a family that moved to our neighborhood, and he ‘fell in love’ with their eighteen year old girl who I may add, tolerated his halitosis enough to elope with him.So, the complaint this week is directed at all the men out there who do not know how to take no for an answer or how to take the no gracefully. Men, please understand, it is nothing personal, or maybe it is, but you do not have to take it like an insult to your courting prowess, maybe what we say is what we really mean. We are not interested! Plain and simple.It’s a no brainer really, so man up and move on. Stalk me and I will polish my Maria Carey diva dramatic skills; your choice.